Ta Da!
Well folks, it is 11:02
Central, midnight o' two Eastern, which means it is time for the
REVEAL of my Bead Soup Blog Hop Creation! Actually- Creations.
Yepper, I made two, well, one has matching
earrings, so three. Four. Enough of the blabber, as it's past my bedtime,
so here we go: “Numero Uno” is a chunky piece using the green and
purple ceramics from my swap partner, along with the ceramic bracelet
focal and the ceramic leaf. I added some pink crystal rondeles,
pinkish/tan mookaite ovals, white components and shell buttons along
with a daffodil bicone swarov and wire wrapped the leaf to the
ceramic bracelet piece.

Part Deux. Yeah, I know, I don't do seed beads... Well guess what? I had these ocean blue ones that just screamed "Use me, you know you want to!", and of course they were the perfect match for the blue and coppery lampwork beads and blue rondelles from my swap partner, so I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and here I am. I added some swarov bicones and a druzy pendant, then used the remaining two druzys to make matching earrings.
Please visit my swap partner, Pamela, (yeah, I'm wondering if Lori Anderson aka "Bead Soup Swap Hop Queen" did Pam and Pamela on purpose... I really need some sleep...) Anyway, Pamela Eller Traub of Klassy Joolz. http://klassyjoolz.blogspot.com/ to see what she did with the Soup I sent her. I can't wait...
So until next time: